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We offer superior quality

The production of our clothings begins with the selection of fabrics, which we choose carefully to guarantee the best quality and comfort for our customers. All our garments are made from 100% cotton, a natural, breathable material that guarantees a good feel on the skin and great durability.

FAQ - Questions

How long does delivery take?

It takes us 2 to 8 hours to process the order, then 48 to 72 hours to deliver it.

Do you ship worldwide ?

At the moment, we only deliver to the USA. Worldwide delivery is imminent!

I've received a damaged item. What should I do?

We are sorry to hear that. Just send us a picture of the damaged item to the following e-mail address: and we will send you a similar replacement item or refund as soon as possible.

Do you have a refund policy ?

We do our best to solve any problems our customers may encounter with their items online. If you still wish to receive a refund for your order, we can of course make payment, provided that the claim is made within 30 days of the order date and the affected products are damaged or have a technical problem. For more information, please read our refund policy.